Words that we feel in our heart
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a Day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a Lifetime
That’s the reality

You can help a lots of people by donating little
We do not ask a help to buy only food and medicine, because we have survived famines and pestilences. We ask to help us to rebuild our country so that our children do not emigrate anymore and stay here to ensure a future for us and for the generations that they will come.
Reason why
On our website you will not find the usual pictures of poor and starving children, because our children need first of all schools, education and progress.
Lovely future
Only in this way can we make sure that what these children did not have until yesterday, they will always have it in the future
Children's pride
On our website you will always find pride, smiles and willingness to act with the Fellow people and Nature.
Save the world
Because Nature is our Great Mother… The Mother of all the Human Gender
Our smiles
Nothing is so strongh like a smile